Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inaugurating Funemployment!! [Funemployment]

Could there be a more ideal time to unveil the newest feature here @ SYSL? Short answer: Yes. But I'm bored, it's late, and I figured since Obama did some inaugurating tonight, why can't I?

With great pleasure, tonight I shall christen this new feature:

FUNEMPLOYMENT (patent pending)

Every so often I'll be bringing you new and exciting ways to help those lazy Tuesdays just melt away.

"I didn't approve the use of this picture"

So, welcome to everyone. To all the laid off employees of this fine country, to all those simply too lazy to seek out gainful employment, and most importantly, to my colleagues in the entertainment industry, who know more about Unemployment than Danny Bonaduce.

"Yes, I'd consider myself a self-starter"

OK, I'll admit it, I'm out of work. Yes, it sucks feeling like your talents are being wasted eating sheet cake and watching Home Improvement. Although that Randy Taylor can be quite the cad sometimes. It sucks barely being able to scrape by. I feel like it sucks for me especially. Allow me to explain.

I work in Film/TV. When a show is over, you no longer have a job. More often that not, this leads to long periods of unemployment. To compound the matter, the only real proactive movement is putting your name on an availability list at the Union. It can literally be months between working, and all you can do it sit around and wait for the phone to ring.

"God Dammit, Mom!! I'm expecting a call! Meatloaf sounds great, love you."

SO! What to do in these times? My situation is ideal: though I'm actively looking for work, most of my day is still completely devoid of activity. Which affords me lot's of time to create interesting ways to keep myself occupied.

Good tease, huh?

Though the most obvious choice, you'd be surprised how many people actually forget this crucial step. Lately I've been using Craigslist, though it's hard to sift through all the pyramid schemes and trannies.

Guys: If you're unemployed and live in a shit hut, chances are you don't have a female companion. If you do, she's cheating on you. Don't believe me? Check the last text she got, you won't be happy.

Have to run to the store? Is it walkable? I bet you know where this is going you lazy fuck. Get off your ass and walk down to the store. You'll kill some time, get some air, get some exercise, and the pot at the end of the rainbow is that Lunchable you've been craving so bad.


Emily said...

this blog looks like im cheating on you! also, now i know what it truly means when you say you were "looking for work all day". bad form, peter.

yuv you.

Philippe said...

This is purely comedy and not based on anything factual...or is it?!