Monday, September 8, 2008

Thesaurus? Where We're Going, We Don't Need A Thesaurus

Sometimes, between trapping and neutering feral cats and donating plasma, I get bored. I'm only human. In such circumstances I turn to the one friend who will always be there: Dick Cheyney. We're old friends, long story.

"Hey, Phil-dawg, grab me a PBR wouldya?"

In times of boredom I turn to the following places:

LA Times Daily Crossword
USA Today Daily Crossword Daily Crossword
LemonParty (For when I'm feeling really crazy)

It turns out I'm pretty damn good at crossword puzzles. Though I've noticed I get disproportionately worse as the week goes on. This may be due to my equally disproportionate increase in ketamine intake as the week goes on, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the editors save their "A" game for Fridays.

In any case, I rule at crosswords and here's the proof:

I still rock.

Updated Update:

That makes 3 today, for those of you keeping score.

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