Monday, September 8, 2008

Michael Caine Shits The Bed

Michael Caine, in a moment of senility rivaled only by the time Sir Ben Kingsley thought he was working on Goonies and showed up to the set of Gandhi doing his best "truffle shuffle", spilled the beans on the casting of the new Batman villains. From MTVs Splash Page:
“I was with [a Warner Bros.] executive and I said, ‘Are we going to make [a sequel to The Dark Knight]?’ They said yeah. I said, ‘How the hell are we going to top Heath? And he says ‘I’ll tell you how you top Heath — Johnny Depp as The Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Penguin.’ I said, ‘Shit, they’ve done it again!’” [Laughs]
If this is true, every nerd within ear shot of this statement just creamed their underoos. I hope to the comic book gods it's true, because that would be fucking awesome. I don't even want to think about this too hard or it won't happen. It would be like that time I wished for x-ray vision and just ended up getting arrested.

Would you like to know the day you'll die?

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