Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Your Favorite Kneejerk Campaign Blitz

Microsoft seems to be rather tired of the public likening them to this guy:

Apple has been so successful with their Mac vs. PC ads in recent years that it's caused Microsoft to play ball, though arguably years too late and the lamest way possible. They've just gone live with The "Mojave Experiment." It's like Punk'd, but without the ball of pure genius that is Ashton Kutcher.

Basically they shoved a bunch of John McCain types in a room and told them they were about to test out Microsoft's brand new OS, "Mojave." The only problem? Mojave is actually Vista. When people didn't know they were using Vista they seemed to enjoy it much more. We know this is true because ad campaigns are almost always based in reality. It turns out that Apple has done such a good job of bashing Vista that most people automatically assume Vista is shit, without ever having actually used it.

Though the campaign is kinda clever, the best way to showcase your OS may not be to have some woman refer to it as "this program."


Emily said...

the only thing i got from this post was that businessey looking people (aka "smart people") like vista better. i use vista. me = smart. simple physics.

Philippe said...

that is not physics. I thought you were "smart"

Emily said...

well i guess we know who the dummy is now.