Monday, July 28, 2008

Your Favorite Pen

Not Pictured: Included Jet Pack

This, my friends, is the greatest pen ever created by the hand of man. It's a pen worthy of keeping in your pocket. I have to keep it hidden in my desk, it's that desirable. Not an hour goes by where I don't have to fend off paparazzo, eager to get just a glimpse of me and my baby.

My theory was confirmed in 2007, with a little film called Breach. In said film, Chris Cooper's character highly praises a little pen called....that's right, I can stop here.

Actual line from the film: “Best pens in the world! I never write with anything else.”

Chris Cooper is one of the coolest guys ever. I heard he kicked the shit out of Chuck Norris in a bar fight once. Therefore, my pen could kick your pens' ass.

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