Monday, October 20, 2008

Iran Eats Themselves Out of A World Record [Slow News Day]

I imagine the conversation went something like this:

Ahmadinejad: Goldstein, get over here!

Goldstein: (Mumbles something incoherent)

Ahmadinejad: Take that Jew shield off, I have a great idea!

(In Iran, all Jews are forced to wear "Jew Shields" to protect the rest of the population from contamination)

"Premium" Jew Shield, now with eye holes!

Goldstein: Sorry, sir. Go ahead.

Ahmadinejad: Let's build a giant fucking sandwich!

And so it was. Sadly, the president's dream was never realized. It turns out that Iranians are too damn hungry to sit and watch idly as 1,500 meters worth of hoagie goes uneaten.

TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran failed Friday to register what it said would be the world's largest sandwich in the Guinness book of World Records after people rushed forward and began eating it -- before it was measured.

Event organizers had planned to stuff the 1,500-meter-long sandwich with 700 kg of ostrich meat and 700 kg of chicken, and display it in a park in the capital Tehran.

That sounds like a horrible sandwich. Ostrich and chicken? Evidently they were running low on Puma and Beaver.

[Via Yahoo News]


Unknown said...

I'd eat beaver, but I don't know about Puma... isn't a Puma an even older version of a Cougar? Or am I mistaken about that?

Philippe said...

You seem to have missed the whole point of the article.

Unknown said...

I stand corrected... I'd eat both Puma and/or Beaver. However, Cougar & Sabertooth will not be part of my diet. Old meat tastes too gamy.

Side note: stupid Iranians and their lack of self control. I'm glad they don't have the BOMB!...yet.