Friday, August 1, 2008

This Week in Rape Alley

At the end of every week I'll be recapping what happened in Rape Alley. What is rape alley? If you don't know, you've clearly never been out drinking with me.

My office is situated on one side of an alley. What's that? A satellite image of the area would really help you visualize the whole thing?

BAM. What now, mother effers? Yes, that is actually my office. The building across the way is a movie theater. Now, it's not like we're in some remote area of the city. I'm about 100 yards away from Downtown Culver City. Which makes things like this even more mind boggling:

That's the view from outside my window. For some reason, people think that they're in total seclusion in said alley, so they have absolutely no qualms about doing drugs, drinking, vandalizing, and our newest addition: raping.

That pic was snapped earlier this week. The dude was forcefully groping and kissing the victim. I guess rape is a little bit of an exaggeration. It was more of a heavy molesting. But 'heavy molestation alley' doesn't sound quite as good. Also, for as much as she was resisting his advances she seemed oddly in to it. He's probably got money or something.

Yesterday, this happened:

Not Pictured: "To Catch a Predator" crew moving in for the kill.

What took place was possibly the lamest/most unprofessional photo shoot I've ever seen. The crew consisted of that weird dude, that's it. He was using a Kodak point and shoot and was never seen without a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. If I had to guess, which I do, because my urge to guess is nearly as strong as my urge to dance, I would say these pictures are going to be for personal use (read: masturbatory purposes).

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